Automatic Enrolment For Members
Under Automatic Enrolment almost all UK employees have the opportunity to save into a workplace pension scheme and get additional contributions from their employer and the government.
Under Automatic Enrolment your employer is obliged to make contributions to your pension pot in addition to the contributions you make yourself. Your employer will choose a pension scheme and could enrol you automatically. Once you’re automatically enrolled, money may be paid into your pension pot by you, your employer and the government.
This money will be invested for you with the aim of making the amount grow so you have more money when you retire. If you don’t think it’s the right time to save into a pension scheme, you can choose to opt out.
*These figures apply to the 2023/24 tax year and will be reviewed every year by the government.
Even if you do not qualify to be automatically enrolled, you can ask your employer to enrol you. They may also have to make contributions for you depending on your age and how much you earn.
The government has set minimum contribution levels to give workers a good start to pension saving. Some of the money will come from your employer and the rest will come out of your wages. If you are a taxpayer you’ll also get tax relief from the government on your contributions.
Contribution levels are set as a percentage of your qualifying earnings. ‘Qualifying earnings’ means the money you earn (including bonuses, overtime and benefits) between £6,240 and £50,270.
Note: These figures apply to the 2023/24 tax year and will be reviewed every year by the government.
The minimum contribution levels as a percentage of a worker’s qualifying earnings are 8% (of which at least 3% must come from the employer).
You may be able to pay extra contributions into your pot, either regularly or as a one-off, depending on the rules of your pension scheme. Other people can also pay money into your pension pot if they wish, for example your spouse, partner or family.
Your employer will tell you in writing if you’re going to be automatically enrolled. They’ll also tell you what your options are if you don’t want to stay a member of their chosen pension scheme.
If BCF is their chosen scheme, you’ll receive a welcome pack from us. This will tell you what you need to know about being a member of the BCF Scheme. If you don’t want to be a member you can opt out within the first month.
Your employer has a duty to automatically enrol all their eligible workers. You will normally be enrolled from the first day you start with your employer or, if you don't meet the eligibility criteria shown above, you will be enrolled when you first meet these criteria.
Your employer can postpone automatic enrolment for up to 3 months from when you become eligible. If this is happening your employer will write to you with more details.
If you’re enrolled with BCF, we’ll send you a welcome pack as soon as you join.
If you have questions or would like to chat to our expert team, contact us online, call 0151 448 5423 or email [email protected]. If you’re self-employed or not working, you can apply online.